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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Professional Eye Care Roseboro the leading provider of vision care products and services in Roseboro.

Dr. R. Max Raynor

Dr. Raynor has served the people of Sampson, Johnston, and surrounding counties for almost thirty years. He opened the Roseboro office in 1986, the Benson practice in 1988, and more recently expanded to Clinton in 2003.

Dr. Raynor is committed to providing the ultimate in preventative primary eye care. His offices provide state-of-the-art diagnostic testing for diabetic eye disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye disorders, glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. He and his associates bring almost 50 years of experience in the management and treatment of all aspects of primary eye care.

Dr. Raynor served as the 2007 president of the North Carolina State Optometric Society and remains an active member. He serves on the Board of Directors of Four Oaks Bank & Trust. He is currently a Commissioner for the Town of Benson. He was a medical reviewer for the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles for almost ten years. He is also North Carolina’s trustee for the Southern Council of Optometry, the largest educational meeting for primary eye care doctors in the world. He also serves on the boards of the Benson Area Ministerial Association’s board (Food Pantry) and Not Just Another Community Center.

Dr. Raynor lives in Benson with his wife, Teresa. He has four children. His oldest son, John, played professional baseball and was in the major leagues with the Pittsburgh Pirates in 2010. His oldest daughter, Anna, was an All-American in the javelin and was a member of the United States track team (Team USA) in 2007. His youngest daughter, Mary Beth, is an accomplished equestrian. His youngest son, Will, is a freshman at NC State University.

Dr. Mary E. R. Massengill

Dr. Massengill graduated from the University of Pikeville – Kentucky College of Optometry in May of 2020. She completed her undergraduate degrees at North Carolina State University. During optometry school, she was the President of the Private Practice Club, sat on the board of SVOSH (Student-Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) and was awarded the 2018 Southern Council of Optometrist Clinical Excellence award.

After the birth of her first child, Dr. Massengill joined Professional Eye Care in August of 2020. She is excited to continue the legacy that her father, Dr. Max Raynor, started almost forty years ago, serving the people of Sampson, Johnston and surrounding counties.

Dr. Massengill specializes in preventative primary eye care that includes management of diabetic eye disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome, glaucoma and other diseases of the eye. Dr. Massengill also has special interest in specialty contact lenses for treatment of eye disorders such as keratoconus.

Dr. Massengill resides in her hometown of Benson with her husband, Brody, and daughter, Libby. She and her family are active members of the Benson United Methodist Church. In her spare time, Dr. Massengill enjoys cooking, traveling with friends and family, and spending time with their two dogs. Did you know that Dr. Massengill used to compete in equestrian show jumping? Throughout college, she successfully showed her horse up and down the east coast in the A/AA hunter-jumper circuit.

Photo of Dr. HugginsDr. J. Ross Huggins

Dr. James R. Huggins was raised at White Lake, N.C. He completed his undergraduate degree at North Carolina State University. He then attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he received his Optometry degree.

Dr. Huggins is passionate about all aspects of optometry, especially diagnosis and management of ocular disease.

Dr. Huggins is married to his best friend, Sarah Huggins, and they now both live at White Lake with their dog Magnolia. In his free time, he enjoys going to the beach, fishing, and hunting.

Our Friendly PEC Staff

Staff Photo